Adelina Vasile
Oct 13, 2022


Instead of fake it till you make it, practice till you make it.

I believe Aristotle said that excellence isn't an art, but the habit of practice.

Unfortunately, we believe we have to reach excellence to be taken into account, but we don't get into the habit of practice because we think we're not good enough. We give up before we even begin, and so, excellence becomes something we won't achieve.

Also, we believe others care about us not being good enough. In reality, people don't care. They'll stop to cheer us if they notice we're good, but won't be bothered by us not beeing good yet. All the more reasons to keep practicing without the fear of judgment. We won't be judged if we suck at writing because others simply don't care about our sucking at writing.



Adelina Vasile

Mother, educator, journalist, copywriter. I write about the things I need to learn myself.