Adelina Vasile
Mar 11, 2022


I think the key word here is “may", Araci.

Yes, the world feels like a terrible place right now, but not all people are terribly unhappy.

A child may suffer, but also may experience unthinkable joy and pleasure.

Life is all about not knowing and still doing it.

For the same concerns as yours, I decided to have only one child. I am confident (somewhat) that I can do everything in my power to support him experience more joy than pain, and that my “everything” will not be little.

I felt there is a lot I can offer to only one child, but far less if there were more. So, I’ve taken my chance with my one and only.

So far, so good-ish. Will it ever be good-ish? No one knows. But like I said, all life is like that.



Adelina Vasile

Mother, educator, journalist, copywriter. I write about the things I need to learn myself.