Here’s to Another Runaway Year

“What the New Year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year.”

Adelina Vasile
2 min readJan 2, 2022
Photo by Anastasiya Lobanovskaya on Pexels

I came, I saw, I left early” is every introvert’s strategy of surviving a party.

When you become a parent, you get an excuse. You’ve got to put the child to bed at a decent hour, right?

You can finally call a large group of people for what it is, which is a… “No, thanks”.

You can show off your skills of breaking out of any room as if it would be an escape room, all thanks to your superpower of disappearing.

And then, you get to experience the marvelous feeling of being fully awake at an hour when most people just went to bed.

Make it a 1st of January experience, and you’ll be entitled to feel like you’re ruling the world.

You’re checking your Happy New Year messages and chuckling at the thought of replying at 7AM instead of 12.30AM.

And then, you’re putting your phone away. Without replying.

It’s as if you’re afraid that everything you have will slip through your fingers.

You clench your fists and tell yourself what is now obvious.



Adelina Vasile

Mother, educator, journalist, copywriter. I write about the things I need to learn myself.