Member-only story
Contradictions Mothers Struggle With
When what seems to be a wrong feeling is probably right.
Motherhood means so many things to many of us. Often, those things are blatant contradictions.
It’s a journey, and it’s about ups and downs.
So many of your turns will feel wrong, but maybe they are right?
It’s a life filled with dreams when you can barely take a nap.
Your existence feels exhaustive, but it’s full-choke of love.
The hardest, most fulfilling, and effortless love.
It’s motherhood, and you’ve never been warned.
Are you excited that you’re never alone and have a happy chubby baby holding you so strong?
Wait until you start feeling oddly lonely soon after that.
Can you feel the unexpected joy your children bring into your life?
Wait until you have one of those nights, or days, where you hit rock bottom.
Are you proud to notice how your children are shaping you into a much better version of yourself?
Wait, what’s that thought that you don’t like what you see in the mirror? Oh, I know, you just hope that one day you’ll have more time to work on your body image…