Changing “To Do” Lists Into “Don’t Do” Lists

Which list is longer?

Adelina Vasile
3 min readMar 22, 2022
Photo by Maklay62 on Pixabay

Are you, too, extremely productive at unproductive things, like I am?

I remember, growing up my father had this saying— “Don’t you worry today about anything you could do tomorrow. Until then, you might be able to postpone for the day after tomorrow, or not need to deal with it at all.”

He was joking, of course.

But I took it a bit too seriously, for like a big part of my life.

I would cheer myself up claiming I work better under pressure.

It didn’t help that my older sister was the one who put the “pro” into the word “procrastinator”.

Compared to her, I felt like I was rocking it.

I was in a “due tomorrow, do today” operation mode, while she was in a “do tomorrow — oh, crap, tomorrow was yesterday?” operation mode.

Then again, I guess we were just as reckless as our age allowed us to be.

Photo by Saydung89 on Pixabay

When the going got tough, and procrastinating looked a lot like risking my future, I have, of course, stepped up the game.



Adelina Vasile

Mother, educator, journalist, copywriter. I write about the things I need to learn myself.