A Letter to My Son on Children’s Day 2021
And to all the other children in this world!
Hey, ladybug,
I’ve been celebrating children’s day all alone for the past 28 years. For a long time, I wasn’t even aware of what I child I still am. But since you’ve come into my life, the 1st of June has a different meaning to me. For three years now, on this special day, I’m being reminded what a child I have, what a child I am, and what the children of this world we live in need so much.
As a mother, there are so many things I want to offer you. Yet I can’t help but notice how all the children crossing my way make me feel that I have a responsibility to all of them. I guess once you become a parent, you start seeing children differently. All children. Because you can’t love to pieces one tiny soul and be indifferent about all the other tiny souls in the world.
Don’t Feel Scared Because I Feel Like a Child Too
I promise I won’t let it show.
I’m only writing this here, so you can hopefully see it years later, and understand that it’s OK if you too will feel like a child even when the world tells you “you’re not supposed to”.
It’s the secret we all live by. We’re all children of this world. We all feel tiny at…